Australia Tax File Number (TFN) Registration
Applying for a TFN is easy and takes less than a minute. To start, click on the button below:
Registered TAX Agent No. 25904322
We are a Registered Tax Agent (no 25904322), legally authorised by the Australian Taxation Office
and the Tax Practitioners Board to operate this TFN Registration service.
We are a private entity, not affiliated with the Government or the ATO.
You may check our accreditation on The Tax Practitioners’ Website or by clicking here.
3 easy steps to obtain your Tax File Number:
Apply Online
Fill our simplified TFN application form. This will take you less than a minute. The online TFN form contains useful tips to ease your understanding of the required information.
Once submitted, your application will be assigned to a dedicated tax agent. If the provided information matches the official requirements, we will apply for a TFN with the ATO on your behalf.
Once your Tax File Number registration is lodged we will send you a confirmation email with all necessary details regarding your TFN application result
Our team is formed by experienced and authorised Tax agents. We offer a simple and simplified service to help you register your Tax File Number with the Australian Taxation Office.
Our team is always there for you, you will be instantly notified by email and SMS of any update of your file.
With us, filing a TFN application has never been so easy!
TFN Registration
Frequently asked questions
The tax file number (TFN) is the own personal reference number in the tax and super systems.
Your TFN can be an equally significant part of your own tax and superb records in addition to your own identity, so keep it secure.
Your TFN is yours for life. You retain the exact TFN even in case you change your name, change employment, move interstate or move overseas.
The Tax File Number registration is usually taking ten working days. However, additional confirmation of certain application details may cause a delay of several working days. In the unlikely event of a delay in your application, you can rely on our agents to continuously provide any information that we have.
You don’t need to possess a TFN, but without one you will pay more taxation. Additionally you wont have the ability to apply for federal benefits, pay off your tax return electronically or get an Australian Business Number (ABN).
There are several conditions the TFN applicants are required to meet. Therefore, they are separated in three categories:
1. Foreign passport holders, permanent migrants or temporary visitors. You can apply for a TFN if you are already in Australia; you are in possession of a visa of the following type: a permanent migrant visa, a visa with work rights, an overseas student visa, a visa that allows the holder to stay in Australia indefinitely.
2. People living outside of Australia. You don’t need a TFN if you receive only interest rates or royalty payments from an Australian reference if you’re a non-resident of Australia for tax purposes. Non-resident withholding tax will be deducted before you get these obligations. The total amount deducted will vary depending on your country of residence for taxation purposes.
3. Australian residents. The TFN registration is required if you receive income from an Australian source besides interest, dividends or royalty obligations. Also if you possess a spouse who’s an Australian citizen and is applying for Family Tax Benefit. The same applies to residents who have to lodge an Australian tax return or apply for an Australian business number (ABN).